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Toyota training rooms custom
AV solution project

toyota new zealand

Toyota Financial Services were incredibly happy with the outcome of their project that ActiveVision were commissioned to implement and in turn recommended us to Toyota New Zealand’s Head Office in Palmerston North. Toyota NZ, a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan, has been selling cars to New Zealanders for around 30 years.

Toyota initially requested a Mobile Solution deployed as POC, to wheel in and out of various rooms for maximum functionality, this solution proved to be a success, prompting the go ahead on five further solutions.

ActiveVision set up QuickLaunch to incorporate multiple VC platforms, which has enabled Toyota to contact Japan and US headquarters on S4B, Lifesize, Zoom and other VC platforms simply by adding one-touch. Quality of the picture from the bright 4K screens are far clearer and easier to read than the 100"+ projector image that was previously in place, our fully integrated solution allowed the team to start meetings and collaborate together across multiple sites.

ActiveVision once again providing a fantastic user experience.

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